Location and Arrival
How to reach us
You can reach the THÜRINGENTHERME easily and easily by car, bus or train. With our route planner you can get an individual description of how to get there with one click. For a comfortable journey, it is best to follow our tips, which we have compiled for you.
We wish you a good and safe journey.
Main entrance (within walking distance):
Lindenbühl 10
99974 Mühlhausen/Thuringia
Address for your navigation system
(Underground car park)
Brunnenstraße 121
99974 Mühlhausen/Thuringia
Phone : 03601/ 40 12 3
Email : info@thueringentherme.de
Arrival by car
From Bad Hersfeld Coming on the A4, take the exit “Eisenach-West”.
Take the L 1016 to Mühlhausen. Drive in the direction of Mühlhausen city centre via the B 247 into Brunnenstraße B 249 (turn in front of the police station).
Coming from Erfurt, take the B 176 and B 247 to Mühlhausen. Drive in the direction of Mühlhausen city centre via the B 247 into Brunnenstraße B 249 (turn in front of the police station).
From Halle/Leipzig Coming on the A 38, take the exit “Leinefelde-Worbis”.
Take the B 247 to Mühlhausen. Drive in the direction of Mühlhausen city centre over the Blobach into Brunnenstraße 121.
From Göttingen/Hanover/Kassel/A7 , take the “Drammetal” exit onto the A 38 in the direction of Halle/Leipzig. On the A 38, take the “Leinefelde-Worbis” exit.
Take the B 247 to Mühlhausen. Drive in the direction of Mühlhausen city centre over the Blobach into Brunnenstraße 121.
At the thermal baths, there are plenty of paid parking spaces available in our underground car park or in the immediate vicinity.
THÜRINGENTHERME underground car park
The underground car park can be reached via Brunnenstraße. Please note the clearance height of 1.95 m. Roof structures should be removed before retracting. Our parking garage has two levels. Access to the THÜRINGENTHERME is via a staircase or a lift.
Please note that payment at the pay machine can only be made with cash and small banknotes.
Arrival by train
The nearest stops are:
ICE train station Erfurt (approx. 50 km away, by regional train approx. 52 minutes to Mühlhausen)
more information
ICE train station Eisenach (approx. 40 km away, approx. 50 minutes by regional train to Mühlhausen)
more information
Arrival by bus
It is also possible to get there by city bus. For routes and departure times, please refer to the following link.